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Boeing and IKEA Take to the Skies Together

BREAKING NEWS: Boeing and IKEA Take to the Skies Together with the 737-Sven

In what can only be described as the most unexpected crossover event of the century, Boeing and IKEA have unveiled a partnership that might just revolutionize the aerospace industry—or at least make for an entertaining Saturday project. Dubbed the 737-Sven, this new venture promises to address the manufacturing and assembly hiccups that have plagued Boeing's 737MAX Program, with a Swedish twist.

Some parts might be missing.

Here's the scoop: Boeing is putting the blueprints on the table; IKEA, ever the champion of flat-pack furniture, is supplying precision-crafted parts in neatly labeled boxes; and airlines, in a move that's sure to spark some DIY spirit among their engineering teams, will be assembling these giant jigsaw puzzles at airports around the globe. The only tools required? A Phillips-head screwdriver, a 7mm Allen wrench, and the good ol' rubber mallet. It's like assembling a Billy bookcase, but slightly more complicated and a lot bigger.

Delta Air Lines has reportedly jumped on this bandwagon with enthusiasm, placing an order for 75 units, with an option for 50 more. It seems they're ready to trade in their traditional aircraft for these IKEA-inspired models, despite a notable lack of USB-C and Bluetooth headphone capabilities. Meanwhile, Spirit Airlines is taking a slightly different approach, offering passengers the option to fly on pre-assembled 737-Svens—for a fee, naturally. Because what's a Spirit flight without a little extra charge?

While some might be scratching their heads at the thought of flight attendants doubling as furniture assembly experts, others are seeing the potential for a new era of aviation. One thing's for sure: the next time you board a plane and find an Allen wrench in your seat pocket, you'll know you're about to experience the future of flight, IKEA style. And who knows? Maybe that Taskrabbit assembly option isn't such a bad idea after all.