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Solar for Congregation Ahavas Crosses 50% Funding Goal

Joseph Loud & Rick Bennett, project developers at Associated Energy Developers (AED)

Traditional energy sources are non-renewable and are a major source of greenhouse gas emissions that further negatively impact the environment. It’s clear in this day and age that the need to shift to a cleaner energy source is obvious and urgent. Congregation Ahavas, a prominent institution based in Highland Park, New Jersey, has taken a step towards a sustainable future by embracing solar energy in order to reduce its carbon footprint. The institution has established a 105.6 kWdc behind-the-meter solar installation project which will allow them to substantially reduce emissions. This project has already been developed, approved for interconnection, built, fully subscribed, and is fully operational. 

Environmental Impact

One of the notable aspects of the Congregation Ahavas solar project is its positive environmental impact. Over its lifetime, this solar installation is estimated to avoid 2,448 Metric Tons of Carbon Dioxide equivalent. To put it in perspective, this reduction is equivalent to the emissions from driving an average gasoline-powered car for 6.2 million miles (according to the US EPA, 2023). This project can help mitigate climate change and help push us toward creating a cleaner, greener future.

We’re halfway there!

As of August 16, 2023, Solar for Congregation Ahavas has crossed the 50% mark (currently at 66%) and is closer to reaching its funding goal. $ 276,915 has been raised through Climatize’s investment app.