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Is Andrew Yang the Macintosh of presidential candidates?

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Guy Kawasaki is embracing the “Yang Gang”.

In his new podcast called “Remarkable People”, Kawasaki interviews presidential hopeful and “Crazy Smart Asian” Andrew Yang. 

Yang, the 44 year old entrepreneur from New York, is campaigning for president in an unorthodox way. Kawasaki is calling Yang the “Macintosh of presidential candidates”. 

“Everyone knows he may be the best, but he still has only 6% market share”. 

So what makes Andrew Yang so special? Why would Kawasaki compare him to the Macintosh? 

Even though Yang is not surging in the polls he is bringing wildly new ideas to the political world. 

Yang is not your normal Democrat, or politician to say the least. Coming from a successful tech career, Yang aims to be the change that Americans were searching for in Trump, Bernie, and even Obama. 

 Promoting universal basic income(UBI), Yang hopes to take an economic approach in his campaign as a democrat.Yang wants to even the odds with the promise of  $1000 dollars a month to everyone in America. 

“My way is obviously just put money into people’s hands”, Yang said.. “I think that at this point is going to be the best route”.

Because he’s not your run of the mill Democrat, some may see him fit better as an Independent. 

According to Yang, if he were to run as an independent it would boost Trump's odds of winning. 

“You know, it is math. You can’t get yourself lost in like a world of ideology. I mean the fact is I think I would increase the odds of his re-election” Yang said. 

This led Kawasaki to beg the question, if against all odds he secures the nomination, how would  he fare against Trump on the debate stage. 

“I think I can eviscerate Trump in the debate stage in part because I would make him seem ridiculous” Yang said. “I can poke fun at him in a way that other candidates can’t. And most of his most potent attacks present the other person as some sort of corrupt DC politician, which is very difficult in my case”.

It’s a very interesting hypothetical to think about. Logic, math, reason, and a little bit of comedy versus hysteria, aggressiveness, and chaos. Against Yang, Trump wouldn’t be able to pull out the “clean the swamp” card like he could against Biden, Sanders, Warren, etc. 

Yang added that with  “humor and logic to his bluster, [and] it would be a very, very effective contrast.” 

Recognizing Yang’s outsider knowledge, Kawasaki also prompted the question: “ Do you think that Rick Santorum, Lindsey Graham, Jim Jordan, and Mitch McConnell believed the shit that they say?”

“No, I’m getting increasingly confident Guy that a lot of politicians do not believe the shit that they say” Yang said. “I’m now seeing how the incentive framework works for politicians and they honed in on certain things that they think are going to be advantageous to them. And then they try not to ever, ever breathe a word about the things they think are not going to be advantages. And so you start actually losing track of what the person’s genuine belief is and what they think is going to be good for them”.

Kawasaki didn’t just ask Yang about his political career. 

Yang talked about what it’s like comforting his own wife as a sexual assault survivor, how he supports his autistic son, and whether he is an IOS or Android guy. 

To listen to the full podcast click here.