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Joby Aviation Comments on Their Marina Manufacturing Facility

While news last week got a lot of buzz on where Joby Aviation is planning on moving their next EVTOL manufacturing facility between North Carolina and Ohio, Joby has commented on their current facility in Marina on their LinkedIn page:

“Our strategy for scaling up manufacturing mirrors how we’ve approached aircraft development: prove out the concept first and learn quickly through testing before making larger investments.

That’s why – in partnership with Toyota Motor Corporation – we designed and built our pilot production line in Marina, CA, before investing in a larger factory. By dry-running our tooling and processes, we’ve been able to optimize our production and improve the manufacturability of our aircraft.

By making the right investments at the right stage of our development, we’re taking the most efficient path to high-rate production of our revolutionary aircraft. We look forward to delivering aircraft to our DoD partners in the near future and launching commercial service in 2025.”

One can assume that as Joby grows, there will be additional full-production facilities in Asia and Europe.

Related article: North Carolina vs. Ohio: The Race for Joby Aviation's Next Manufacturing Facility