Santa Cruz Works

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Here For You

Join us April 5 at the Santa Cruz New Tech to learn more about Here For You from Kati Greaney. Get Tickets

“In 2017 I lost my son Cedar just days before his due date,” explains Kati Greaney, founder of startup Here For You.

In the aftermath of this tragedy, Kati witnessed the role that community can have in helping move grief and the ways in which modern society severely lacks a structure to support people going through hardship. From this experience, a new startup was born.

Grief and Loss

Grief and loss are complex and intense emotional experiences that humans may face after the death of a loved one, the end of a relationship, a significant life change, or any other significant event that causes a sense of loss. Grief often involves feelings of sadness, pain, and emptiness, and can also manifest in physical symptoms such as fatigue, difficulty sleeping, and changes in appetite. It is a natural process that varies widely from person to person and can last for different lengths of time. Grieving can also involve a range of coping mechanisms, including seeking support from friends and family, participating in rituals and traditions, and seeking professional help.

In the U.S., there are:

  • 3.4 million deaths per year

  • 1 million divorces in US/per year

  • 40 million major surgeries are performed in the US each year

  • 1 million in cancer treatment in US each year

  • 5 million are displaced from their homes in US each year

  • 1.3 million are in hospice care in the US/year

The Problem

So if grief and loss is experienced by all of us in our life times, what keeps us from helping each other?

  • People want to show up, but don’t know how - other than cards and flowers

  • Communities are disjointed and spread out, causing us to feel isolated and helpless

  • Navigating support resources is difficult when you are feeling overwhelmed

  • Organizing support can be complicated as there is no centralized place to direct family and friends

The Solution

A centralized platform that allows community members to show their care and support for one another in meaningful ways during life’s hardest moments.  It is a place for people to communicate with each other, express and fulfill needs, and access support resources to help uplift and heal.

Join us on April 5 at the Santa Cruz Works New Tech to learn more about Here For You. Get Tickets