Santa Cruz Works

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Access 2 Employment Job Fair

Calling All Employers!

Access 2 Employment hosts an annual job fair connecting local employers and nonprofits to hundreds of job seekers to help support our local business community and achieve a diverse workforce.  Please forward the attached flyer and outreach letter to your memberships, post in your social media channels, place in your newsletters, etc. 

I encourage your membership to circle with their teams and register join us with a table at the event this year.  The event offers a great way to:

  • Save Time and Money: connect with hundreds of candidates in one place to minimize recruiting costs and hiring time

  • Increase Brand Awareness: recruit new employees AND promote their brand

  • Expand Networks: meet other professionals, discover local businesses, check out the competition for our local workforce

Please follow the link here to register and see the attached files.  The event is on Thursday, October 12 from 4 – 6 pm inside at the Coconut Grove this year. 

J. Peter Detlefs

Principal Administrative Analyst

County of Santa Cruz | County Administrative Office