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Business Trends Post COVID-19

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the business trends of today and tomorrow is news of yesterday. From insights on remote work to socioeconomic changes, businesses and communities have adapted to meet unexpected and unimaginable challenges. As vaccines are distributed and stimulus funds continue to flow, we find ourselves in a different world. Observable business trends are a product of resourcefulness and our ability to innovate and pivot to continue to prosper and build toward tomorrow, beyond times of uncertainty. Changes in our society have transcended the boundaries of industries and imagination.


Learn anything from the comfort of your couch. As educational institutions have had to go remote, learning has gone online. The internet is today’s classroom. Services such as Masterclass and Coursera have taken full advantage and are complemented by Google’s New Certifications as existing institutions work to pivot. Learning as we have known it is being reimagined.

Productivity, Efficiency, and Self:

Remote work and isolation have blurred the line between home and work environments. Though working hours and fatigue have arguably increased, the hours within each day are more accessible, and companies and their employees are adapting to the new environment and associated costs and benefits. While mental health stressors have increased with the risk of COVID, isolation, and adapting to new work and living arrangements, prioritizing personal health has taken on more importance in public discourse. Read more about how work has changed.

5 Levels of Distributed Work

Twitter Employees Can Work From Home Forever

Entrepreneurial Expansion:

Where there are problems, there are new solutions. As existing patterns, from mobility to purchase behavior are disrupted, new opportunities are revealed. A year ago we asked our community of VC’s about their advice for startups during COVID. A year later, many themes ring true. Startups that excel in recessions or can reposition/pivot to this new reality have an advantage.