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Owl Eye Media’s Self-Filming Guide

In the 26MAR2021 Clinic The Whats and Whys of Creating Videos for Your Business, we learned what is needed to produce a successful business video. The recording is at The Whats and Whys of Creating Videos for Your Business.

But wait! There is more! Owl Media has graciously provided this guide for anyone who trying to film a video.


We recommend that you either enlist the help of someone whom you are sheltering-in-place with to help film or you find a very secure way of propping your phone up to record (i.e. using a tripod or some type of sturdy, stable support). In addition, please make sure your phone is set up to record horizontally and not vertically. You will capture the video on your mobile phone, most of which can currently capture high quality video.


If using an iPhone:

  • Go into the Settings on your phone.

  • Scroll down to the Camera settings.

  • Change the Record Video settings to 4K at 24 fps. (if you have an older phone 1080p at 24fps is fine as well)

If using an Android device:

All Android phones, depending on the maker, have slightly different interfaces. If you have an Android device, we will walk you through the setup at the beginning of our call/interview.


  • Try to give yourself a little separation from your background. (i.e. Do not stand directly in front of a wall or bookshelf. Instead, stand at least 4-6 feet in front of it.)

  • Be cognizant of what you are filming in front of. If there is something you do not want your audience to see, whether it’s a person in the background or something hanging on the wall, please make sure to avoid it or remove it.

  • Try to avoid a blank white wall, as it will make the video appear very institutional.

  • Do not place yourself in front of a bright light source, such as a window.


  • Try to film in a well-lit room, preferably during the morning or late afternoon.

  • Again, do not place yourself in front of a window. If a window is your main source of light,

    make sure to place it behind the person who is filming you so that the light from the window is aimed at your face.

  • If you are reliant on ceiling lights or lamp lights, try to avoid lights that shine down on your face directly from overhead. This will cast unflattering shadows under all of your facial features.

  • Try to make sure that the light you are using is omnidirectional and that your face is well and evenly lit by the light.

  • Make sure that nothing is casting shadows on your face.

Example of overhead lighting


  • Place yourself in the middle of the frame.

  • Leave a little space between the top of your head and the top of the frame, about the

  • width of your palm.

  • The bottom of the frame should stop about mid-chest.

  • When filming, make sure you are looking directly into the lens, as if you are addressing

  • the audience.

Example of framing, eye line, lighting. The face is well-lit, the background is far away.


  • Please try to find a room that’s quiet in your home and kindly ask those you’re sheltering in place with to keep the noise to a minimum while we record.

  • Though you’ll be close to the camera please make sure you speak up and try not to mumble. And remember, we’ll be there with you, virtually of course, to help guide you along the way.


Here are some general guidelines in order to appear your best on camera:

  • Avoid loud or busy prints and patterns when choosing a shirt or top.

  • Try to choose a color that will stand out against the color of the background you are shooting.

  • For instance, if you are shooting against a white wall, avoid wearing a white shirt.

  • Minimize shine by blotting your face with a Kleenex or ideally, if it is available to you, by dusting

  • loose powder all over your face, right before filming.

  • Try to film in a cooler environment to avoid sweating on your face or shine


Here are a few ways you can send us the video files once we’re finished:

1. iPhone- This is the quickest and easiest way you can send the file directly by:

  • selecting the video file

  • selecting “Copy iCloud Link”

  • pasting the link in an email addressed to

2. Google Drive- if you have gmail you post the file in google drive and share the file with us at

3. Dropbox- if you have Dropbox you can send the file to us directly at

*Please note, if you have a free Dropbox account you will only be able to send files 2gb and smaller.

4. WeTransfer- this is a very easy-to-use, free site. All you need to do is

  • upload your video at

  • send it to

We’re also here to help guide you through this process so that we can confirm receipt of the video file and help assist you should you encounter any technical hurdles.



Actual shot of subject

Used in video

Links to Owl Media video examples: