Santa Cruz Works

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productOps develops trail use tracking technology

From the productOps blog

One criteria for obtaining funding and resources for park trails is being able to determine the traffic coming through a particular area during any given period of time. In general, park usage has been determined by the number of vehicles that purchase a day use pass at a park entrance. However, local residents tend to ride/hike from home and enter the park through alternative entrances. There is a need to determine trail usage so that the proper allocation of resources can be committed to remedying issues on those trails and for future trail planning.

At productOps we have some avid mountain bikers on our staff of developers and Santa Cruz, our head office location, is an area renowned for its mountain biking culture and infrastructure. We saw an opportunity to improve on the technology currently being used to solve one of the biggest, most important problems faced by land managers. How to track and report usage of trail networks being built for the community?

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