Santa Cruz Works

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Riders Staunchly Defend Onewheel Against CPSC Overreach

Passionate riders write thousands of letters: "Let Us Ride!"

SANTA CRUZ, Calif., Nov. 18, 2022 - Future Motion, the California based small business that proudly designs and assembles Onewheel electric skateboards in the USA, today thanked the large and growing Onewheel rider community for its loud and energetic public support in response to the Consumer Product Safety Commission's (CPSC) harsh and unwarranted attack on Onewheel boards.

Kyle Doerksen, CEO and founder of Future Motion, said, "We have received an overwhelming amount of support from the Onewheel community since the CPSC took such unwarranted and unprecedented action. The people who actually ride Onewheels understand them best. They know Onewheels are safe when operated with common sense riding practices and a helmet and that they are no riskier than other motor and boardsports. We hope the Onewheel community's resounding response will continue. We also hope that this response will help the CPSC understand the ramifications of their proposed actions and demonstrate the need for common sense safety practices for recreational activities like Onewheel."

More than 3,000 letters to the CPSC have been received from enthusiastic riders in the past two days, in addition to a mass of positive comments about Onewheels across most major social media platforms – from Instagram and YouTube to Twitter and Facebook. The following are examples of these "Let Us Ride" messages in support of Onewheel and preserving the ability of adults to ride them:

"Onewheel is so much more than a board sport. It's a culture, movement and family. This sport and the community it comes with literally saved my life during a really dark time in my life.” Timothy P., San Diego, CA

"Onewheeling is a fun, constructive, therapeutic way to experience a little adventure every day. I have better connections with friends as a result of onewheeling and consider it the most important purchase I have made for my well-being in quite some time. As long as I respect the safety and autonomy of others, [it] is my choice and my choice alone how I choose to get around town." Will S. Madison, MS

"Let us ride! It is no different than any other motorized sport. Use of proper protective gear and staying within your limits is an individual responsibility, not the governments." Alicia L. Casa Grande, AZ

"Started riding a year ago... I needed a reason to get outdoors more and I can't even begin to tell you how much this board sport has improved my mental health. I look forward to my daily ride to clear my head and enjoy my surroundings. As with every board sport... there's a danger to it, but these boards aren't faulty in their design. If you follow the info provided by Future Motion when you purchase the board, it outlines how to ride safely and to not push the board past its design limits. It's common sense. Wear a helmet, and enjoy the ride." Jarret B.
Coventry, RI

Sign the petition: LET US RIDE!

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