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Santa Cruz County Business and Nonprofit Survey

The County of Santa Cruz broadband team is reaching out to the business community to extend an invitation to actively contribute to the development of a Broadband Master Plan. The Broadband Master Plan aims at increasing access to high-speed internet for all residents and businesses, with the goal of ensuring that everyone has access to reliable, fast and affordable internet services. Your feedback and insights as business community leaders is a critical part of this comprehensive endeavor.

As part of our information gathering, the team has designed a survey to capture the specific perspectives of the business community. We encourage you to respond and ask to please distribute it to your membership. The survey should only take about 10 minutes. The survey link can be accessed: here.

In addition to the survey, the County broadband team is hosting a live Zoom session scheduled for August 10, 2023, at 1:30 PM Pacific Time. This interactive session provides a platform for in-depth discussion with both the County broadband team and consulting team that is working on the Broadband Master Plan. While survey allows us to capture wide range of input, this session allows for discussion of more specific needs. To participate in the live session, please register here.

We acknowledge the demands on your time. If you find that attending the live session is challenging, yet you still wish to engage with us, we welcome you to provide your thoughts and preferences through the survey. Your input remains invaluable to us, regardless of the mode of participation.

The County is committed to working with our community to ensure that the Broadband Master Plan reflects your needs and priorities. Your active involvement is essential to achieving this vision. Your contribution will provide critical input to the Master Broadband Plan, allowing us to meet the needs and aspirations of our diverse business community effectively. Thank you for your engagement in this this important endeavor.

J. Peter Detlefs
Principal Administrative Analyst

County of Santa Cruz | County Administrative Office

701 Ocean St, Rm 520 | Santa Cruz | CA | 95060