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Seek What Matters

Rich and his daughter

Daughter: "My dad has a new job working for an AI company"
Daughter's Friend: "I don't like AI"
Rich: "Why?"
Daughter's Friend: "AI is going to take all the jobs!"
Rich:  "I think it will help people do their jobs better. We should be excited about AI."

In addition to being a Dad who takes his daughter + friend to school, Rich Taylor is VP of Marketing for Seek AI. Seek AI delivers an innovative functionality: querying data through the use of straightforward, everyday English. Seek AI’s ability to turn data queries into plain English is like having a universal translator at a United Nations meeting where everyone only speaks their native language. Suddenly, complex data analytics becomes as approachable as ordering a coffee in your favorite café, freeing up the data gurus to tackle the espresso-level conundrums. It's like OpenAI's LLMs are fantastic conversationalists at a cocktail party, adept at charming discussions about philosophy, art, or the weather, BUT when you ask them to split the bill, they start reciting poetry instead of doing the math.

Rich has helped several startups grow from $1m to $20m+ including Looker. His role is mostly explaining complex software to people who could benefit from it. 

The Misconception of AI 'Taking Jobs'

Rich’s conversation with his daughter and friend is not uncommon for the casual armchair AI discussion. Rich advocates for a perspective shift regarding AI. Rather than viewing AI as a threat to employment, it should be seen as a tool that enhances job performance and efficiency. The future of AI in the workplace is not about replacement, but about collaboration and enhancement.

Seek what matters at AI Horizons Part 2

For those interested in learning more about AI and its practical applications in data analytics, exploring Seek AI's offerings is a great starting point. Discover how AI can transform your data interactions and business decisions. And join Seek AI, Rich, and maybe his daughter at AI Horizons Part 2 on December 6. Tickets going fast!