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Student Corner: Marlize Velasco at Cypress High School

Once a month, we will feature an article from a high school student. We aim to keep our young entrepreneurs engaged with community jobs and career development. This is sponsored by the Santa Cruz Office of Education.

Marlize Velasco

My name is Marlize Velasco and I’m a senior at Cypress High School. I’m the Editor in Chief of the  Santa Cruz Works Student Voice section. I want a space for the youth to write about issues they would like to highlight. Being a member of the Santa Cruz County Youth for Environmental Action and Racial Justice and Equity groups made me realize that we, the youth, have the skills and passion to initiate however, we didn't have the platform to address what we think is important, until now. It is crucial for the youth to have space to create, share and express because my generation is the generation that is going to have zoom graduations. My generation is experiencing  living in  a society that is so deeply divided.  This is our time to write and be heard.  This is my time to write about my experience that is reality for many. 

I’m the first in my family that will be attending college. Having the choice to continue my education is a privilege that my parents did not have. My mom at my age (18) left her home land (Mexico) to be here the land of opportunities. At that age my mom had three jobs to maintain a living here, education was not in her plans. I know I have the choice to pursue higher education which I will forever be grateful for however, I know my circumstances. My parents didn't have a savings account. I don’t have a trust fund. My future depends on grants scholarships and Federal Student Aid Financial Application. These are resources that some don't depend on. Just like I have my privilege to choose an education some have the privilege to not worry about being in student debt. There are students who don’t have to take into consideration which career they pursue as they don’t have to think about financially giving back to their family. This is just a glimpse of being a first generation college student. To even get resources you have to hope that everything comes out smoothly because there are many language barriers. Following detailed instructions on a website that will determine how much aid I would receive is not built for families whose first language is not English. It's not built for families that feel defeated because it takes a lot of uploading. Not every family is privileged to know how to work a computer, not every family has a person who can guide them with experience. Luckily, I have a very  tenacious mother who has been helping me with this. Luckily I have an encouraging father that cheers me on.  This is my reality. Even though I wonder if all the frustrated moments will be worth it I remind myself that moments like these are the process towards an education. My education will never be stolen from me. 

I believe that it’s time to hear stories like this. Stories that you don’t hear often which is why we the youth will be writing. We are writing to claim our space. We are and will continue to write. I’m a  Latnix woman that is now starting to reclaim her space; no one will take this away from me. I’m confident that you will be reading from writers that for the first time will share a different perspective. Thank you Santa Cruz Works for giving local teenagers the space to create and share.