Jobs, Jobs, and more Jobs!
Reach 11,000+ business professionals in the Santa Cruz Monterey Watsonville area. Each new tech job creates 5 jobs in other sectors. As a major driver of our local economy, jobs define who we are and can become. Keep scrolling to learn more about jobs, share a job, and discover companies in Santa Cruz County!
Featured Jobs
Paystand is hiring Senior Account Executives and many more positions in Scotts Valley and more positions globally!
Digital NEST is hiring several positions in their Watsonville, Modesto, and Stockton, CA locations.
Please reach out to us to request to have your job featured here or to find out about job seekers in the Santa Cruz Works community that are looking for work that aligns with your openings!
Find or List Your Job
Have a job opportunity? Add it below! We don’t charge a fee for listing a job. But we welcome donations and annual partnerships to support our 501c6 community organization. See Sponsors, and Businesses partners.
Looking for a job? Fill out the job applicants section below. Applicants list their qualifications, but we hide their name and contact information. If a Santa Cruz Works partner likes your qualifications, we will connect the employer with the applicant.
Employers: Post here
Job Applicants: Post here
Job Postings
Check out a variety of jobs listed by local companies! Jobs are reviewed by SCW before posting.
Job Applications
If you are an Employer who is interested in connecting with one of the Applicants below, Become a Santa Cruz Works Partner to View and Request Access
Company Spotlight
Here are a few local companies that tend to alway have current job openings available:
Local Resources
Santa Cruz Launchpad
Santa Cruz Launchpad, previously known as Get Hired, is an annual job fair and pitch competition event. The June 1st, 2022 featured 25 companies offering 400+ jobs and 19 student teams competing for in $40,000 cash prizes. The May 25, 2023 event included 26 companies and nearly 600 attendees. Want to stay updated on upcoming events? Subscribe to our newsletter! Our next event is on May 29, 2024.