2024 Santa Cruz Works Accelerates Partner Participation

Welcome to the 2024 Santa Cruz Works Accelerates Partner Program! Over our previous five cohorts, 28 out of 52 participating companies achieved successful financial exits, underscoring the effectiveness of our program. If you're interested in joining our upcoming 6th cohort, which begins in early July 2024, please explore the partnership tiers outlined below. For further details and to express your interest, kindly follow this CONTACT US link.


You are high-value sounding boards with deep industry expertise. Mentors provide invaluable guidance on refining business models, making key connections, and navigating startup challenges.  Active participation and enthusiastic support are essential for fostering the success of our startups.

  • Investment

    • Individual: $250*

  • Requirements

    • Provide a minimum of 4 hours of free consultation per startup, to startups of your choice. Mentor businesses may enter into service agreements with a startup after the initial 4 hours with the purpose of providing and extending professional services that will benefit the success of the startup. 

    • Mentors must have extensive knowledge ranging from IP, legal, marketing, sales, engineering, finance, regulatory, operations, commercialization, R&D, etc.

    • Vertical industry expertise is relevant e.g., finance, healthcare, manufacturing, environment, biotech, energy, etc.

  • Benefits

    • Early access to promising ventures

    • Opportunity to build relationships with founders

    • Pipeline for future business opportunities

    • Mentors will be listed in our accelerator platform for business plan review, direct-connections and scheduling with founders

    • Make a real impact. Mentoring allows you to directly contribute to the success of a budding entrepreneur and startup

    • Tax write-off for a 501c6 business operations expense (check with your CPA)

      *Fee waived if there is no intention by Mentor for financial gain. Use this form instead.

  • Meet the Mentors

Accelerator Mentor Individual


Our accelerator program connects startups with the tools and resources they need to succeed. As an Affiliate, your company can play a vital role in their journey.

  • Investment

    • Provide software tools or services of meaningful value equal or greater than $2,500

  • Requirements

    • Affiliates provide resources such as software to startups for a set term at either no cost or a greatly reduced cost.

      • Examples: AWS $10,000 credits, Stripe $120k of transaction credits

  • Benefits

    • Gain access to a targeted audience of passionate and innovative early-stage companies

    • Showcase your brand and solutions to a future-focused demographic

    • Build brand recognition and establish yourself as a leader in supporting startups

    • Develop relationships with promising startups who might become future paying customers

Accelerator Affiliate


Strategic Partners are for established companies and industry leaders interested in fostering growth and exploring collaborations with our groundbreaking startups.

  • Investment: $5,000

  • Requirements

    • Partners must commit to a fee of $5,000, with 50% supporting accelerator operations and 50% contributing to the prize pool of the final pitch competition

    • Engage with and support the cohort startups through resources, expertise, or potential collaboration opportunities

  • Benefits

    • Facilitated engagement with a curated group of startups and founders

    • Access to SCWorks Accelerator platform to connect directly with founders, mentors, venture partners, research, and skilled resources (possibly new hires)  

    • Public recognition as a Strategic Partner in all related accelerator events and communications, enhancing your brand’s visibility and reputation within the industry

Accelerator Strategic


Investment partners are integral to our ecosystem, providing significant financial support and mentorship to the most promising startups. This tier is tailored for venture capital firms, angel investors, and corporate venture arms looking to invest directly in high-potential startups through equity agreements.

  • Investment: $20,000

  • Requirements

    • Contribution of $20,000, split equally between direct support for the accelerator’s operations and the prize pool for the finalist pitch contest aka Demo Day

  • Benefits

    • Rights to select and judge the finalists in the pitch contest, offering a significant role in determining the cohort’s standout startups

    • Direct future equity stakes in chosen startups, facilitating a strategic position for future growth and collaboration

    • Access to SCWorks Accelerator platform to connect directly with founders, mentors, venture partners, research, and skilled resources (possibly new hires) 

    • Prominent recognition as an Equity Partner in all program materials, events, and press activities, positioning your firm as a key player in the startup ecosystem


This tier is specifically designed for universities, colleges, and academic institutions that are looking to enhance their entrepreneurship and incubation programs. By integrating with our accelerator, educational institutions can extend their ecosystem, providing students and faculty with real-world exposure to startup environments and innovation processes.

  • Investment: $10,000

  • Requirements

    • Institutions must contribute a fee of $10,000 per year (12 month period) which will be utilized to support accelerator operations

    • Participate actively in the accelerator’s programs, including nominating a representative to serve as a judge in the finalist pitch contest

  • Benefits

    • One judge seat in the finalist pitch contest, allowing your institution to have a direct impact on the evaluation and success of emerging startups

    • The SCWorks accelerator platform grants complete access for up to 100 students and faculty, supporting the institution's incubator programs to develop student and faculty startups and research initiatives. It offers tools, resources, and networking opportunities. The platform includes comprehensive guidance and details on each startup, mentor, and investor, along with full business and pitch plans, and updates on each startup’s progress within the accelerator program

    • Connect your researchers with seasoned entrepreneurs and professional resources 

    • Enhanced visibility and recognition within the entrepreneurial ecosystem, showcasing the institution's commitment to innovation and practical learning experiences