Give a Breath Challenge: Designing 3D-printable PPC


Give a Breath Challenge by Munich Re and Fraunhofer is a global challenge to identify the best 3D-printable designs to enable the immediate, decentralized production of emergency equipment in order to save as many lives as possible.

If you or your team have any ground-breaking ideas on how to develop a feasible and digitally distributable blueprint for emergency ventilation equipment (ventilators and consumables like respiratory masks, valves or oxygen tanks) to enable immediate, decentralized production via global 3D-printing or other rapid manufacturing capabilities, please submit them and help to save as many lives as possible.

The equipment to be developed should only be used in states of emergency for the decentralized treatment of non-intensive care COVID-19 patients, in order to reduce demand for hospitalization. The selected digital blueprints will be provided to governments and states around the world to enable them to start decentralized large scale production wherever it is needed the most.


Applications Close April 3rd,

Winner Announced April 9th,

PoC Production & Validation on April 10th.


Adrian Dolatschko