New StartUp: Wiseper Wins Blackstone LaunchPad


"It always has been frustrating to see misinforming posts in social media keep circulating and I see them again and again despite being debunked. Yet no one takes responsibility for it. We can fix this together and with a little help from technology." Amin Alamassian

Wiseper is a fact first social network. Wiseper is designed and optimized with emphasis on factual information. In contrast to existing social networks like facebook, or instagram, that have been optimized only for engagement and entertainment and are highly susceptible to misinformation and keeping us in our own information silos."

Founders Amin Almassian and Fatemeh Mirzaei have worked together for several years on Wiseper. Amin has a background in Computer Science, Computational Neuroscience. Fatemeh , a graduate student in computer science and engineering in the Baskin School of Engineering, is one of 40 student entrepreneurs selected for the Fall 2020 LaunchPad Fellowship program. The fellowship, offered by the Blackstone LaunchPad & Techstars network, supports Mirzaei’s startup Wiseper, a fact first social networking platform. 

The LaunchPad Fellowship includes a $5,000 grant and 8 weeks of entrepreneurial resources, mentoring, and support. The fall 2020 cohort is focused on “social impact” student startups that seek a positive societal outcome.

Wiseper, which Fatemeh cofounded in 2019, aims to address the lack of reliable information regarding topics such as climate change, vaccines, health, and finance on social media, where 40 percent of people get their news. It is a social platform with an artificial intelligence component that enables users to collaboratively build context and resources around a topic.

“We want to provide greater context around online content for consumers, and reduce the amount of time people have to devote to sorting through information,” Fatemeh said.

The LaunchPad Fellowship program is structured around coaching sessions, weekly entrepreneurial workshops, and mentoring from Blackstone Campus Ambassadors and Techstars entrepreneurs and advisors. Students will also participate in a Techstars Mentor Week and attend the virtual LaunchPad Speaker Series.

Fatemeh said she and her co-founder Amin are excited about joining this program.

“This is a great opportunity to connect to like-minded successful companies and entrepreneurs and learn from their success and failures,” she said. “Our hope is that this fellowship opens up more opportunities for Wiseper to grow its community and reach its capacity to serve millions of people to combat misinformation.”

In addition to the startup, Fatemeh is working toward her Ph.D. in the UCSC Computer Vision Lab led by Roberto Manduchi, professor of computer science and engineering. She is working with Manduchi on a project to develop a system that will make public transportation more accessible for people with visual impairments.

Be part of the Wiseper Beta. Join at: Wiseper

Doug EricksonUCSC, Wisper