Robotics Cats Featured on BBC Program

Laura Goodwin of BBC Click and Andre Cheung on the rooftop of the Bayes Centre.

The BBC Click 29/10/2022 episode talks about crash test dummy based on a female body, drone-based sea saving tech, and early wildfire detection system.

Santa Cruz Accelerates member, Robotics Cats, recently had their AI wildfire detection technology featured on the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) television program, BBC Click. BBC Click is an international radio and T.V. program broadcasting “the latest gadgets, websites, games and computer industry news”. The show discusses global technology, social media, and the internet and has an audience of 380 million.

According to Robotics Cats, the BBC Click research team discovered Robotics Cats through the Engage Invest Exploit (EIE) program which aims to help startups and scale-ups prepare for investors. Robotics Cats was part of EIE’s 2022 program.

The demonstration setup: a phone working as a surveillance camera, a notebook showing wildfire videos, another phone receiving detection alert. Source: BBC

From there, the team reached out to collaborate with Robotics Cats in May of 2021 to “demonstrate AI can detect early-stage wildfire outbreaks”. After back-and-forth communication, the episode was filmed when Robotics Cat’s, CEO and Founder, Andre Cheung was in Edinburgh for EIE22’s Countdown event. In order to demonstrate the company’s technology, Robotics Cats typically arranges for heavily planned controlled burns, however, this was not possible so the BBC team found a clever workaround. The team set up a smartphone with LookOut Cam Android app installed and pointed it at a laptop that played videos of wildfires. Images captured by the phone were sent them to Robotics Cat’s AI wildfire detection service for real-time review. Ultimately, the demonstration proved successful and the episode featuring Robotics Cats was broadcasted on October 29th, 2022. Below is a video snippet of the episode. UK viewers can watch the full episode here.

A snippet of Robotics Cats feature on BBC Click program. All rights and permissions go to BBC.

About Robotics Cats

Robotics Cats Limited is a technology company headquartered in Hong Kong. We are a team of talented people with diverse cultures. We focus on computer vision, AI and robotics technologies. We provide early wildfire detection and environmental monitoring products. Learn more.