Webinar: Selling During Tough Times

Santa Cruz Works will feature Tony Hughes at 6pm PT Thursday, May 28, 2020. Join us for our webinar at: Selling During Tough Times

We live in unprecedented times and without doubt we are in The Great Recession. Few understand how the ‘new normal’ will emerge and what they must do to survive and then thrive. Here is how to sell to help your clients when your potential customers are experiencing a crisis.

First, always engage with empathy. Most of your potential or current customers are worried about their own job, their team and the viability of their business. Where you have existing relationships, ask if they are okay and if there is anything you can do to help. Don't push and instead show the right intent. But beyond the initial conversations, don't endlessly check-in, reach out, or virtue-signal… there is no value in that for your clients. You need an actionable point-of-view on how you can help.

eventDoug Erickson