For businesses who want to make a big impact
Newsletter Feature article: 5x year
Monthly New Tech Meetup: Free
Company Spotlight Breakfast: Free
Trainings / Clinics*: Free
Launchpad (Job fair) Table
*10 employees fees waived for all monthly events
Company logo on our Partners graphic
Social Media post share: 10x year
Event sponsor fee ($250) waived: 2x year
Company presentation at monthly event: 2x year
Partner-only Breakfast: Free
90% off Hubspot CRM
50% off SC County Business Council
$25,000 AWS credits
Co-working at Cruzio: 1 week free
Cruzio Internet: First month free ($74.95 discount)
Video Production Room: 1-hour
Subsidized Internship: $2,000, 1-month free
Idea Fab Labs: 25% off of the membership fee
Get 6 months free of Zendesk Suite and Zendesk Sales CRM
MBEP State of the Region and MBEP Economic Summit: Discounted rate
Additional perks via One Valley Passport
Money Saved: $12,000+