What You Had to Say about HufffPost Acquiring SCW


We really enjoyed the many varied responses to last week’s article HufffPost Acquires Santa Cruz Works for $1.9 Billion. April Fools has never been so much fun. The responses ranged from chuckles to WTF to Congratulations. Check out some of the Comments on the article page. And here are few that were not in Comments that were sent to us by text and email. The names and faces shall remain anonymous to protect the innocent.

  • Congratulations! Do you have time to talk this week? I have the perfect yacht for you.

  • Congratulations! Now is the perfect time to invest in our startup. Got a few minutes to connect?

  • Now you can help solve the Santa Cruz housing problems.

  • Dude! What is this big acquisition by HufffPost going to mean for you? We need to catch up!

  • It is super to see you and the Works in the Big Plus column news. Congratulations!

  • Could you send us $100 Million from your new billions? I have to admit I fell for it. Nicely done.

  • I believe congratulations are in order. Can I ask why you sold out?

  • Et mon cul c’est du poulet!

  • I am disgusted that you have sold out to Hufffpost. Unsubscribe me.

  • Holy shit! You are a billionaire! That’s amazing!

  • Holy #**#! I'm so happy for you!!!!!! You two are planning to go travel around the world! Amazing!! Can't stop smiling for you!! Wooohooo!!! Enjoy it all!!!!

  • Aacck! I fell for it!

  • Can I have some?