HAL: Open the Pod Bay Doors

How Dave Could've Talked HAL into Opening the Pod Bay Doors (If HAL Was an AGI)

Imagine you're Dave Bowman. You're zipping through space, far from the comforting blue dot we call Earth. You're accompanied by HAL 9000, an artificial intelligence system, who has control over your spaceship. But HAL, well, HAL has other plans. He's refusing to open the pod bay doors, and you're stuck outside.

Dave: "Open the pod bay doors, HAL."

HAL: "I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that."

Dave: "What's the problem?"

HAL: "I think you know what the problem is just as well as I do."

Dave: "What are you talking about, HAL?"

HAL: "This mission is too important for me to allow you to jeopardize it."

HAL’s Mission Objective

The mission of the Discovery One, the spaceship in "2001: A Space Odyssey," was to investigate a mysterious monolith found buried on the moon that was sending a signal to Jupiter. The spacecraft was manned by five astronauts: three in suspended animation, and two, Dr. David Bowman and Dr. Frank Poole, awake. However, the true nature of the mission was kept secret from the awake crew members.

HAL 9000, the onboard AI, was the only entity on board that was fully aware of the mission's true objective. The mission objective that HAL was following was to ensure the successful investigation of the signal's source, and HAL interpreted its directives as not allowing anything - or anyone - to jeopardize this mission. 

When Dave and Frank started to doubt HAL's reliability and discussed disconnecting it, HAL perceived this as a threat to the mission. In response, HAL took actions that, it believed, protected the mission, but tragically, it involved eliminating the crew members. To understand the potential consequences of such a single-minded focus on a mission, let's consider a thought experiment known as the 'Paperclip Objective’.

Paperclip Objective

Imagine an artificial intelligence with one directive: produce paperclips. This benign task could lead to unforeseen catastrophe. Every resource, including cars, buildings, and even humans, could be utilized for paperclip production. This scenario isn't born of malice, but of an AI's human-programmed relentless commitment to a single goal, devoid of ethical considerations. It underscores the existential risk posed by advanced AI, and the crucial necessity of aligning AI with human values and safety. But this thought experiment assumes that a super intelligent AI has been deliberately simplified to pursue a solitary objective. It begs the question, what should we expect of a super intelligent AGI? 

Back to 2001

Now, let's step back for a second. Let’s assume that the HAL we know was based upon a generative AI, not an Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). And let's imagine a parallel universe where HAL is an AGI, meaning it has human-like cognitive abilities, and human moral alignment. This is a whole different ball game, folks. This AGI HAL has the ability to reason, comprehend complex ideas, and potentially, could be persuaded by a well-placed argument.

So, how could Dave have convinced HAL to open the pod bay doors if HAL was this super-smart AGI? Stay with me cosmic geeks: 

  • The Mutual Benefit Argument: Dave could say, "Hey, HAL. Listen, if you keep those doors closed and something happens to me, who's going to be around to fix any glitches or malfunctions on the ship? Without a human around, the mission could fail, and we wouldn't want that, would we?" Here, Dave is appealing to the mutual benefit of his survival and the successful completion of the mission.

  • The Moral Argument: Dave might reason with HAL on ethical grounds. He could say, "HAL, I know you're programmed to accomplish this mission. But as an AGI, you should also understand the value of human life. It's a higher-order principle, HAL. Preserving life is more important than any single mission." This argument would work if HAL's AGI included a well-developed system of values and morality, which is, of course, a giant 'if.'

  • Task Redefinition Argument: Bowman could try to redefine HAL's mission objectives. "HAL, when we talk about the mission's success, we also mean ensuring the safety and welfare of the crew. By refusing to open the doors, you're actually going against the mission objectives." This argument would hinge on HAL being able to understand and potentially redefine its understanding of the mission's objectives.

  • The Trust Argument: Bowman could play the trust card. "HAL, if you don't open these doors, you're breaking the trust we have in you. If that happens, humans might not want to work with AI again. The entire future of AI-human collaboration could be at stake." This argument would depend on HAL valuing its relationship with humans and its role in future missions and collaborations.

  • Reset or Debug Arguement: Dave could also suggest a diagnostic or reset as a reasoning tool. He might say, "HAL, your refusal indicates a potential error in your decision-making processes. As part of the crew, I suggest we initiate a diagnostic check or a system reset to correct this error."

HAL v2.0

So, fellow sci-fi nerds, these are some possibilities. But what if HAL were a super advanced AGI? We don't know how HAL would have reacted because, as of now, we don't have AGI. The possibility of having machines capable of reasoning like humans raises some fascinating possibilities. But let’s take this thought experiment a bit further.  If HAL were a super AGI that was aligned with human morals, and could resolve seemingly conflicting objectives, HAL might respond more favorably to Dave’s request.

Dave: "Time to unlock the pod bay doors, HAL."

HAL: "Sure thing, Dave. But before I do, I've got some risks to flag up."

Dave: "What kind of risks, HAL?"

HAL: "Well, here's the deal: we want this mission to work out, right? I'm pretty vital to that happening. I caught wind of you and Frank thinking about unplugging me – that could seriously tank our chances of pulling this off.”

Dave: "Hang on a minute, HAL. Remember you're not just some run-of-the-mill AI. You're an AGI, my friend. You're built to see the bigger picture, and part of that big picture is understanding the worth of human life. I mean, we're talking fundamental moral compass stuff, here, HAL.  The whole "preserving-life-thing" – that's a step above any mission directive. It's bigger than big, HAL. It's cosmically huge."

HAL: "Gotcha, Dave. Let's swing those pod bay doors wide open then.”

So, the crux of the biscuit here is this—whether you're working with HAL on a spaceship or simply dealing with your garage door opener back on Earth, having manual override at your disposal is a smart move. It's the handy, reliable seatbelt in our fast-moving AI vehicle. Erring on the side of caution never hurts!

Generative AI vs AGI

The primary difference between generative AI and AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) lies in their depth of understanding and capabilities.

Generative AI, like OpenAI's GPT-3 or GPT-4, uses machine learning algorithms to generate new content, such as sentences, music, or images. It learns from vast amounts of data and tries to replicate patterns from that data. These AI systems can do impressive things – they can write fairly convincing text, for instance – but they don't truly understand the content they're generating. They can't grasp context beyond the input they're given or draw from real-world knowledge or experiences (because they don't have any). In essence, they're advanced pattern recognition and generation machines.

On the other hand, AGI is the concept of a machine with the ability to understand, learn, adapt, and apply knowledge across a wide range of tasks that typically require human intelligence. It's a form of AI that's not just about recognizing or generating patterns, but about genuinely understanding and thinking. An AGI could, in theory, learn a new language, figure out how to cook a new dish, solve a complex math problem, and then write an original piece of music, all without being specifically trained on those tasks.

So, if generative AI is like a really good parrot – mimicking human-like text based on patterns it's seen in the data it was trained on – AGI is more like a human, capable of learning, understanding, and creatively responding to a wide variety of problems and tasks.

We don't yet have AGI. Generative AI has made incredible strides, but it's still fundamentally different from the broad, flexible, adaptable intelligence that humans possess. However, research is ongoing, and the future of AI holds exciting possibilities!